Alcohol at CHSL events
Possession or consumption of alcohol on school property before, during and after any Catholic High School League event is prohibited. For purposes of this rule, “school property” means any portion of a school property, including any building, playing field, parking area or other property.
Artificial Noisemaker Policy at all Indoor Events
"CHSL rules prohibit spectators’ at all indoor sporting events from using items that include, but are not limited to: megaphones, thunder sticks, cowbells, sirens, clackers, cans/bottles with marbles, rocks, or coins inside, and various other creative devices".
Due Process and Appeal Procedure Policy
The purpose of the Catholic High School League is to enhance the educational program of its member schools by providing for the best levels of athletic competition among them.
It shall be the policy of the League to provide Due Process to its member schools in cases where disagreement may exist between the member school and the League Office.
From and after the effective date of these rules, all proceedings with regard to the CHSL Rules and Policy shall be brought, conducted and disposed of, in accordance with the provision of the following Process Rule:
a. Investigation - The Director or his designated representative shall investigate all alleged violations of the Rules of the CHSL of the Archdiocese of Detroit.
The Director shall make recommendations for league alignment, and shall have full authority to enforce and interpret all policies which affect athletics within the Archdiocese of Detroit's Catholic High School League.
b. Notice - The Director shall notify the persons or school officials of the time, place and hearing date. Such notice shall set forth specific information as to reason for the hearing and the possible result of such hearing.
c. Attendance at hearing with league director - The School Principal or designated representative and parties immediately involved are entitled to attend the hearing. The parties involved are entitled to be represented by counsel and call witness.
d. Adjournments - The Director may take adjournments upon request or may initiate such adjournment when all parties agree.
e. Order of proceedings - The Director shall ask for statement clarifying the issues involved. The Director shall make available to all parties, the materials and proceeding copies of subject of said hearing. The parties involved shall then present their statements regarding the subject matter. Opportunity shall be provided to all parties for presentation of relevant material.
f. Hearing in absence of a member - The hearing may proceed in the absence of any party who after due notice fails to be present or fails to obtain an adjournment. A decision shall not be made solely on the default of such a party.
g. Closing of hearings - If no further information or witnesses are to be heard after inquiry to this fact and receiving negative replies, the Director shall declare the hearing closed and so recorded.
h. Decision - The Director shall then render decision within ten days of the closing of the hearing in form of writing and mailed to each party by certified mail, return receipt requested.
The relationship in appeal between the Executive Athletic Board, the League Director and the Principal's
Decision Appeal To
League Director Executive Athletic Board
Executive Athletic Board Superintendent
i. Appeals to the executive board - Appeals on matter of interpretation of the Rules or a decision of the Director may be made, postmarked within seven (7) days upon receipt of the decision received from the Director. Upon such notice, the Director shall place upon the agenda for the next Board Meeting of the next first Tuesday of the month or if circumstances require, an emergency meeting may be called within seven (7) days.
j. Attendance at appeals to executive board - Principals and officials of member schools, and/or coaches involved with charges or responsibility, are entitled to attend Appeal Hearing. All parties at hearings are entitled to be represented by counsel and witness.
k. Order of appeal proceedings - The PARTIES AND DIRECTOR may offer evidence (including presentation of witnesses) as they desire relative to charges or matters regarding subject under appeal. Written reports, letters, electronic recordings of the facts may be presented and examined by all parties.
l. Appeal decision - The Executive Board may adopt the decision of the Director, or may modify it, or may reject it in whole or part. The decision of the Board shall be forwarded to all interested parties.
m. Appeal of an Executive Athletic Board decisions - Within seven (7) days upon receipt of the Boards Decision a school principal may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools through the League Director.
i. At this time the School shall make known the basis and rationale for their appeal. The League Director will provide the Superintendent and the Appealing Principal copies of all proceedings and information representing both sides of the subject of the appeal.
ii. The Superintendent may at his/her discretion, investigate and/or conduct discussions on the issue. The Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, convent a Principals Policy Review and Appeal Board to assist in the decision. In all cases the Superintendents decision shall be final. If a hearing is convened at the Superintendents decision should be rendered within ten (10) days.
Policy Guidelines for League and Sectional Alignments
Sectional Alignments
In order to insure a fair and equal opportunity for all member schools to experience a positive opportunity for participation in athletics; to provide opportunities for inter-scholastic competition based on the educational and physical well-being of all participants; to maintain equitable balance among section alignments; to foster Christian ideals of an integrated society and to cover scheduling, play-offs and championships, the following criteria will be used.
a. Student safety: In contact sports, the number of participants in those sports programs through bonafide eligibility will be considered. This means the number of students actually participating on the Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman levels. Example: Team A dressed 50 players and Team B dresses only 20 players. This may seriously jeopardize the physical safety of their few players.
b. Total sports program: The number of sports that a school participates in, plus the number of students participating has value in assignments to League Sections. As part of the total sports program, an evaluation of the stability of the coaches and athletic director assignment changes over a period of five (5) years, may be considered.
c. School size: To maintain balance within a level of competition school size may be considered for league and sectional alignment.
d. Enrollment trends: An evaluation of school enrollment increases or decreases over a three (3) year period, using the State official figures for "fourth Friday", may be considered for League and sectional alignments.
e. School requests: Evaluation will be made of a school's position on change within the League.
f. Sports records: Evaluation of the total competitive record over a period of three (3) years, will be considered.
g. Geographical: Sectional alignments will be made with consideration to travel distance.
Policy for League and Sectional Alignments
The Executive Athletic Board shall examine alignments (and/or individual cases) and by majority vote, establish Sectional and League alignments.
a. Planning and scheduling requires that principals requesting realignment do so approximately one year ahead of the season.
Education Amendments (Equal Opportunity Policy)
The CHSL shall provide equal opportunity for boys and girls to participate in and benefit from school athletic programs.
a. Schools shall not discriminate on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities.
b. The League Director, of the Superintendent of Schools Office, has the responsibility of coordination and compliance of Title IX Regulations. Direct inquiries regarding compliance to the: League Director – 12 State St. - Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 237-5960
c. The members of the CHSL must provide athletic opportunities for boys and girls that are adequate and meet the student interest.
d. Coaches’ salaries may be pro-rated as to the length of season, number of games, hours of practice, number of players, etc. There must not be any discrimination as to sex in hiring of coaches.
Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
The League and its member schools are charged with the responsibility of abiding by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Department of Regulation (45 CFR - Pat 86) promulgated there-under prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in the cooperation of Federally assisted education programs, of which the school systems of the Archdiocese of Detroit are so designated.
League Financial Policy Involving Non-Member Schools
Each school contracting non-league contests with a non-member school, are on their own regarding the financial agreement.
The League recommends that all financial agreements be made on a one-year basis, as it is entirely possible for a further commitment on either party to be negated because of circumstances beyond anyone's control.
Sectional Financial Policy
Each section, prior to revenue producing sports, shall meet and determine the financial arrangements for Sectional League Sports.
League Contest Ticket Prices
Students $1.00 Minimum, 6.00 Maximum Adults $1.50 Minimum, 6.00 Maximum
Recommended: Children eight (8) and under be admitted FREE when accompanied by parent. Members of the clergy and sisters are to be admitted without charge upon identification.
NOTE: League Section unanimously agreeing on financial policy change may implement that policy, with the approval of the League Director.
Financial Policy for Play-Offs and Championships
League Championships and Play-Offs, all sports, shall be under the direction of the League Director.
Other Play-Offs
Schools shall share financially, by selling advance tickets and retaining no less than 25% of their advance ticket sales, except in cost prohibitive situations (excluding school percentage).
The League shall provide all schools the opportunity to sell advance sale tickets and promote and retain no less than 25% of their sales.
Admission Prices - League Championships or Play-Offs
Adults & Students: $6.00
General Admission not to exceed $6.00
Members of the clergy and sisters admitted without charge upon identification.
NOTE: only CHSL passes and school faculty/staff photo ID's will be honored at all CHSL Member Schools (regardless of opponent) and at play-offs and championships! Passes will not be honored at the Ford Field or Comerica Park (See CHLS Manual Rule 11A-E).
Championships With Non-League Members
Prices of admission may vary with event and location. League Passes WILL NOT BE HONORED AT SUCH EVENTS.